Sunday, May 3, 2009

My EDM 310 Blog Assignments are now Complete

To my fellow classmates,
I have enjoyed having this EDM class with you all. I am sure that we will be seeing each other again in or endeavors to become future educators. I feel as though we have learned a lot in this class that will help us all to better our teaching methods and provide our future students with a base of technology that will lead them to lead great and productive lives. Good luck to all of you! God Bless and congratulations!
Johnie Aughtman

To Dr. Strange,
I thank you greatly for teaching me in EDM 310. You are a wonderful professor and you have a love and passion for technology that really shines through your teaching. I have learned a lot about technology in this class as well as a lot about myself! You have taught me many skills that will stay with me throughout my career as a future educator. Thank You for providing me with knowledge and helping me to become a better educator for my future students! God Bless You!
Johnie Aughtman

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